


Last updated January 1, 2022

ChurchFunerals Direct, Inc. is licensed as a funeral home and is a full service funeral provider in all states in which it provides funeral directing services.  ChurchFunerals Direct operates in some states through licensed funeral home providers in the ChurchFunerals Direct Network.  Not yet available in all states.  In some states, all network provider funeral homes may be providing services to, or be wholly-owned subsidiaries of, Delaware-based ChurchFunerals Direct, Inc.  For additional  information and disclosures, please see our General Price List and visit us at


Last updated January 1, 2022

ChurchFunerals Direct, Inc. is licensed as a funeral home and is a full service funeral provider in all states in which it provides funeral directing services.  ChurchFunerals Direct operates in some states through licensed funeral home providers in the ChurchFunerals Direct Network.  Not yet available in all states.  In some states, all network provider funeral homes may be providing services to, or be wholly-owned subsidiaries of, Delaware-based ChurchFunerals Direct, Inc.  For additional  information and disclosures, please see our General Price List and visit us at