Our team of licensed funeral directors and staff are caring professionals who take pride in serving families in their time of need. Each staff member we employ is carefully selected and considered among the best-of-the-best in the funeral profession.
Because of our selective process you can rest assured that the ChurchFunerals Direct Network team serving your family meets our exceptionally high standards of care and professionalism. Things will be done right, your deceased loved one will be properly cared for, and your family will be served with the utmost concern and professionalism by our staff.
When you call us we will arrive in about an hour to take your deceased loved one into our care and back to one of our licensed funeral home care center locations. Then one of our funeral directors will come to your home to make the funeral arrangements instead of making you come into a funeral home. The visitation and the funeral service will be conducted at the church of your choice in your hometown. This higher level of service makes the funeral experience easier and better for your family and you’ll save a lot of money.
The result is confidence and peace of mind for you and your family. And we think that’s even more important than the money your family will save by using ChurchFunerals Direct.